Thursday 9 April 2009

My first blog

Well folks here it is, my very first ever blog. Now to decide what to talk about. Hmmm, that's a tricky one. I'm not a professional or even semi-professional writer so this will probably end up just being a series of rants and opinions from my little Govan penthouse in the not so leafy suburbs of Glasgow. Feedback and suggestions for future rants will always be welcome via Twitter. So here goes.

Green Tea, Whittard's Green Tea with peppermint to be precise. Why you may ask are we discussing Green Tea? Well let me enlighten you. I was bought one of these infuser mug thingys from Whittards as a birthday present and while I was looking for something to 'infuse' in said mug, I decided to buy this bloody Green Tea. I also bought a lovely fruit infusion and an interesting black tea with vanilla. I've taking a liking to the others but the Green Tea has been festering in my cupboard for a month or so.

Anyway, I happened to be in Holland & Barratt yesterday and on the spur of the moment decided to buy one of their magazines entitled Healthy (that should have been enough to warn me off). I read through it last night and wound up feeling incredibly unhealthy and quite possibly close to dying. Ok, so I smoke and I drink but not to excess, my diet's not too bad (could probably do with a bit more fruit) and I'm not overweight. After reading this magazine though I felt terrible about myself and decided to get healthy, fast. I decided that the first thing to go would have to be all that coffee I drink in what passes for morning in my home, so out came the Green Tea with peppermint and today was the first day of my new 'get bloody healthy' regime. I don't expect it to last. The Green Tea is insufferable, many hours later I can still taste the damned stuff despite brushing my teeth twice, smoking five fags (only five, that's an amazingly small amount for me) and having a big glass of fruit smoothie and only one cup of coffee. I know it contains antioxidants that fight free radicals (good thingys that fight bad thingys) but I'm not altogether sure it's worth it. Plus according to this magazine I need to be taking more vitamin supplements than I do food. I take five as it is, but apparently I should be taking at least another six. If I take any more I'll rattle.

So, I have decided to take it a bit more slowly and sensibly. The Green Tea may well end up in the bin, I'll try and cut down the coffee, I'll stick to my current vitamin supplements, drink more fruit smoothies (Innocent of course, you don't think I actually make them) and start going swimming. Above all else, I'm never even going to look at a 'healthy' magazine ever again. Oh and I may actually think about stopping smoking as it'll apparently give me wrinkles.


Steff said...

WHAT!!! Stopping smoking gives you wrinkles!! Stuff that!

Anyhoo, good blog, it had me giggling away. Try just normal green tea without the peppermint (not one of my favourite tastes).

Once again, good blog. Lets see if you keep it up unlike me.

florida1225 said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!!! Look forward to reading more of your stuff!

Oh and the answer is .... don't read those magazines, get down the pub and have fun instead!